Saturday, September 28, 2024

SOQ Valley Skardu, Heaven On Earth

Beautiful roads often lead to beautiful destinations, and one of the routes I would love to take is the road to SOQ Valley in Skardu, Pakistan. It has one of the most pleasing views our eyes can witness.

It is located in the upper part of Kachura village and is 8202 feet above sea level. It almost takes hardly twenty minutes to reach the spot from Skardu town and half an hour’s drive roughly to reach from Shangri-La.

The valley is known for its adorable green meadows, water streams, and snowy mountain scenery. It was considered a hidden valley, but now it is open to the public and has become a popular tourist destination. People from around the world come each year and enjoy the spot.

Route towards the SOQ valley

The route starts from the “Shangrila Resort” by taking the straight road towards the Upper Kachura Lake, and then smoothly, the road diverges.

The straight road moves towards Kachura Lake, while the left turn from Shangri-La Pull turns towards the Soq Valley. Make sure to take a 4×4 car to enjoy a safe and comfortable journey.

On your journey, you might see water streams moving into the Soq valley. These streams spring from Deosai National Park, which is considered one of the highest plateaus, and enter the Soq River before moving towards the Soq Valley.

All the water from the stream gathers at Soq Valley and falls into the Skardu River.

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All about SOQ VALLEY

Mountain Views

The most dazzling thing you would like to be in awe of is the beautiful, long mountains around the valley. The Karakoram Mountain Range surrounds it. Photographers who are passionate about nature and international tourists will adore the view of the snow-covered mountains.

SOQ River

The Soq River is one of the main characteristics of the valley that enhances its beauty. The water flows gently, and it is so clean and clear that tourists might see the reflection of the valley like a mirror. You can have fun around the water by putting your feet in the cold stream while appreciating its beauty.

Local Culture and People

The local people around the valley consider this spot a source of pride for themselves and welcome new tourists warmly. They are very hospitable and interact with the visitors with love. You can engage with them, learn about the local traditions and culture, and witness their talent.


People who love wildlife might consider this place a paradise for themselves. You might see different bird species around the valley. Some tourists may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of snow leopards around the valley.

Activities in the Valley

What would be more entertaining than doing some physical activity at the beautiful spot? The valley provides tourists with some fun activities.


One of the ways to reach the Soq Valley is to trek towards it from the Kachura village. Most tourists love to have this adventure and reach their destination through the bumpy tracks. A person of any age can enjoy this route.


One of the most common activities tourists engage in is fishing. Skardu is famous for its fishing spots. Trout is the fish tourists enjoy the most here, but do make sure to have your fishing gear alongside you, or it will be something to regret once you leave the spot.


If you go to such elegant destinations, you might want to spend a whole day there. Camping might be a great way to enhance your trip. Place a camp around the valley and enjoy the view with your loved ones. Make some barbecue and have it to make your journey more memorable.

Suitable Seasons to Visit SOQ Valley

Often, visiting a place requires a suitable amount of time. One of the best times to visit the Souq Valley is between July and September.

The weather may seem pleasant, and you will find lush greenery around the valley. It would also be easy to trek during this season.

Moreover, it would be extremely risky to even plan a visit to this valley in the winter season. The river streams from the Deosai remain at low elevations.

The entire surface freezes, and the snow covers it. The weather gets extremely harsh. However, the locals still enjoy the spot by skiing, sliding, etc.

Facilities at the Valley

The tour gets more interesting if the valley facilitates it well for tourists. Some of the facilities that the valley offers are listed below


You will easily find some warm and soothing guest houses near the valley. These rest houses offer a relaxing environment amidst the pleasant weather.


You might think of experiencing the local flavors of the Skardu region. You will find many cafes and restaurants near you. You can visit and enjoy the mouthwatering taste the dishes have.

Tour Guides

To not miss anything on the trip, one can have a local tour guide with them. The guide will ensure that the tourists do not miss any hidden gems around the whole valley.

Talented and well-trained guides will make sure they make you understand each and every fact about the valley, which will help you increase your knowledge as well.

Local Markets

You can have a look around the markets near you and observe how talented the local people are in terms of the handicrafts and embroidery they make. You can buy some and take it with you as a memory.

Attractions near SOQ Valley

There is a list of places people can visit on their tour of the Soq Valley.

1. Katpana Desert

2. Satpara Lake

3. Upper Kachura Lake

4. Shangri-La Lake

Katpana Dessert

The desert Katpana is found in the Skardu region. It is said to be the coldest desert in the world, rising around 2226 meters. The desert is famous for its sand, which is termed golden sand, and snow-capped peaks, which form an elegant landscape.

Satpara Lake

It is said that the Satpara Lake is one of the highest lakes in the Skardu region. The lake is considered to be the most important source of clean water for the locals. It takes half an hour to reach the lake from Skardu town.

Upper Kachura Lake

Located 2500 feet above sea level, Upper Kachura Lake offers fishing trout and activities like hiking for visitors.

Shangrila Lake

It is located at 2500 feet above sea level. It is a heart-shaped lake that creates a mesmerizing view for visitors. The water in the lake is clear and clean and falls from the upper Kachura lake.

Must-do essentials

1. You must keep camping gear with you to stay on the spot.

2. You must have a first-aid kid by your side for any emergency.

3. Traveling in a 4×4 car is preferred.

4. Keep a backup of clothes before your journey.

5. Keep your surroundings neat.

There are so many things one can eventually dream of, but exploring the world shouldn’t be that hard to fulfill. Take time to visit Soq Valley, Skardu, and cherish nature once and for all.

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