Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Pakistan’s IMF Money Delayed, What You Need to Know

The IMF had meetings scheduled till December 14, but Pakistan’s review under the $3 billion program hasn’t made it to the agenda yet. Despite successful talks in November, the final review is pending. Around $1.8 billion of the $3 billion program remains, with $1.2 billion already released earlier. There’s uncertainty about releasing the remaining funds before the February 2024 elections. Economic analyst A H H Soomro mentioned, “If the disbursement is delayed by a month, Pakistan can manage for a while.”

The IMF’s Executive Board calendar shows meetings until mid-December, and Pakistan isn’t listed, but it might be added later if the authorities convince the lender. During the IMF’s visit, they talked extensively with Finance and Commerce Ministry officials. In 2019, the IMF proposed terms for a loan, but they’re now reconsidering those in light of Pakistan’s current economic state. There’s concern that delays could push a $710 million disbursement to as late as March, possibly leaving the program incomplete.

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