Friday, September 27, 2024

Real Invention Bath mouthpiece fire, patented in 1981

Patented in 1981, the bath mouthpiece may save lives, as known as bath mouthpiece fire. This device provides breathing air during hotel and home fires as a last resort for confined people. The bath mouthpiece is not widely used, despite its lifesaving potential.

In emergencies, the bath mouthpiece can provide fresh air. It is meant for use in a room with poisonous smoke, like a hotel fire. Simple to operate, the device can be held to breathe fresh air. The Bath Mouthpiece filters out harmful sewer gases and provides breathable air during hotel and home fires as a last resort for confined people.

The bath mouthpiece is a device that may save lives in emergencies. The Bath Mouthpiece does not replace smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, or escape plans. However, it can add emergency protection.

The Bath Mouthpiece is an innovative and potentially life-saving innovation that may deliver breathable air during hotel and home fires. Simple to use, it can be held to breathe fresh air. It can add emergency protection, but it is not widely used.

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